End to end checkout API flow


Timeline of checkout API flow

Step 1: Create an order via Slope backend API

POST https://api.slopepay.com/v4/orders HTTP/1.1

Example JSON request body

  "total": 1000,
  "currency": "usd",
  "externalId": "your-external-id-goes-here",
  "items": [
      "sku": "CL-SOCKS-2",
      "unitPrice": 500,
      "quantity": 2,
      "price": 1000,
      "name": "Slope Socks"

Example JSON response body

  "id": "ord_2gnavLdd6NEZyHIaUFVTd3iZlKt",
  "externalId": "1.a8g78yu0hf",
  "customerId": null,
  "number": "81949511",
  "checkoutCode": "ord_2gnavLdd6NEZyHIaUFVTd3iZlKt:mch_28MUznjnlW0lOZTIuRnuss4pU2i:a6f609b2ebfd",
  "checkoutUrl": "https://checkout.sandbox.slope.so/pay?code=ord_2gnavLdd6NEZyHIaUFVTd3iZlKt%3Amch_28MUznjnlW0lOZTIuRnuss4pU2i%3Aa6f609b2ebfd",
  "total": 1000,
  "status": "approved",
  "finalizedAt": null,
  "openedAt": null,
  "currency": "usd"

Step 2: Open the Slope checkout widget for the user to complete

Using the checkoutCode from Step 1, initialize Slope's widget. On the front-end:

<!-- embed Slope.js library -->
<script src="https://checkout.slopepay.com/slope.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function openSlope() {
      code: "<CHECKOUT_CODE_HERE>",
      onSuccess: () => {
       	console.log('user completed checkout'); 
<button onclick="openSlope()">Pay with Slope</button>

Full reference here. This opens the Slope checkout widget (pictured below) for user to complete

Step 3: Finalize the order via Slope API

Finalize the order once you have confirmed the order is ready. This will release the order payout to your account via ACH.

POST https://api.slope.so/v4/orders/{{ORDER_ID}}/finalize HTTP/1.1