Low-code redirect flow


The purpose of the simple checkout flow is for merchants that are looking to quickly pilot Slope checkout on their website with minimal developer effort. This API requires limited front-end Javascript code and can also be used to support mobile apps that need a full page redirect flow.

Slope can be custom-branded

Slope is able to brand the checkout this flow to suit your business's branding. If you'd like to see a sample of this please reach out to our team who will be able to get you a sample within two business days.

Example of the full page redirect flow checkout experience

Example of the full page redirect flow checkout experience


Step 1: Display "Pay with Slope" button

Display a "Pay with Slope" button on your website that visits a backend page of your app.

Step 2: UsecheckoutUrl from POST /v4/orders`:

When creating an order, you'll see checkoutUrl in the HTTP body JSON response. This contains a basic URL without any additional options

   "checkoutUrl": "https://checkout.slopepay.com/pay?code=XXX",
   "checkoutCode": "CHECKOUT_CODE_HERE",
   "id": "ord_test123",
   // ... other order fields

Step 3: (Optional) add additional query params

You may additional query params to the checkoutUrl to customize the experience. Note: do not remove the code param or any other params provided by the Slope API. Below are available options you may choose to add:

URL query paramtypedescription
successUrlstringThe return URL after successful checkout
cancelUrlstringThe return URL for canceling checkout


Encode query params

Be sure to escape your query params so they are encoded correctly. For example, if your successUrl is https://example.com/complete then your full URL would be https://checkout.slopepay.com/pay?code=XXX&successUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fcomplete

Step 4: Redirect customer to checkoutUrl

Perform a standard HTTP redirect to checkoutUrl. Either by sending HTTP 302 Header Location or on the front-end using window.location.href=checkoutUrl

Customers will be shown a full page checkout experience to pay for their order.

Step 5: Handle redirect callbacks to your website

Upon a successful checkout or return back to your website, you'll want to handle relevant information for that customer. We will automatically append URL params:

GET ParamWhat
slopeExternalIdThe merchant supplied externalId for the order
slopeOrderIdThe orderId for this checkout
slopeCustomerIdThe customerId for this checkout

You can verify the order has been successfully paid by making a backend API request to Orders API with the same slopeOrderId